Essential Fatty Acids: CorePsychPodcast

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July 8, 2007
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Audio Overview: Essential Fatty Acids at CorePsychPodcast

Tour over to CorePsychPodcast this weekend for a short audio overview some of the basics on Essential Fatty Acids [EFAs] as I interview Camille Gallinger, CN a nutritionist at CorePsych.

-Program includes brief notes on the good fats and why they are good for you.
-Notes also on "pharmaceutical grade" Omega 3 fatty acids,
-fish oil in general, and
-why EFAs are important to review
— if you have depression, thinking issues, dementia, or lack of motivation… all symptoms of fatty acid imbalance.

And don't forget the basic Brain-Building Nutrition: How Dietary Fats and Oils Affect Mental, Physical, and Emotional Intelligence, by Michael Schmidt

We also discuss how we measure these with blood tests and the Comprehensive Metabolic Panel [sample with Camille's Bio above] if symptoms encourage more careful review.

See ya there.


  1. Josh Howard says:


    I understand that you do not suggest Flaxseed oil due to it’s inflammatory properties.

    But for some reason it just appears to be far more effective than Fish oil?

    What do you think?


    • Josh,
      Everyone has different reactions to all of the supplements, just as w meds. If it works for you and you don’t have some chronic heart disease, cool. However, if you have a family hx of heart or vascular disease – I would prefer the Omega 3 Fatty Acids to the Flaxseed based on the Omega 6 factor in flax.