Immunity and Chronic Fatigue: Immunosciences on the Radar for ’08

A Gluten Sensitivity Journal: Useful Notes with Practical Suggestions
December 18, 2007
Vyvanse Tips for ADD/ADHD – The Squidoo Collection
December 30, 2007
Gluten, Casein, immunity, allergy and sensitivity

Headaches and Chronic Fatigue Rediscovered

Immunoscience And Chronic Fatigue Live Together

Chronic fatigue: is it a real medical process, or just malingering? Let me ask you a couple of other questions:  does chronic fatigue [“CF”] cause “ADD”… does CF cause depression? Further, does CF encourage a dementia process with brain fog and slowed cognitive processing speeds? Anyone with CF knows the answers to these easy questions.

And new laboratory answers bring additional new hope.

Read Kuhn

You already know from these pages that new neuroscience information is so incredible it seems dreamlike, so far out of the reality of not knowing. I do suggest you take a look in your spare time [?] over the holidays at Thomas Kuhn‘s The Structure of Scientific Revolution for a greater appreciation of how new information becomes accepted as standard care.

The Structure has been on my “must read” list for years, and I found it especially  fascinating with all the new-science controversy over hormone measurement, SPECT functional brain imaging, gluten sensitivity and the variety of interesting brain information we bring to you here at CorePsychBlog.

Well, next year is going to be even more interesting: At this nearly 2008 moment get ready for a deep dive at CorePsychBlog – into psychoneuroimmunology.

-So much past brain and psych mystery with chronic, often “untreatable conditions” from MS, to chronic fatigue, to the downstream psychological effects of gluten sensitivity. -So many of these challenging chronic psych and brain presentations swim downstream from a variety of subtle, misunderstood, often unappreciated  and yet correctable immune disorders.

Yes, so much to learn about immune dysregulation and chronic illness!

The exciting news: I am going “evidence diving” and will take you all along with me. In fact, just last night I completed January plans to meet in LA with Aristo Vojdani, Ph.D., M.T. CEO of Immunosciences Lab, one of the most respected laboratories in the country that provides practitioners with specific immune dysregulation laboratory findings for treatment protocols for a variety of chronic illnesses, many of which affect brain function.

Check your oxygen valves, clear your respirator for this next dive: You can see some of the immune science investigations on chronic fatigue on this page at Immunoscience Lab.

I have regularly heard about Dr Vojdani from another great colleague, Dr Tom O'Bryan mentioned in another post here at CorePsychBlog. Dr O'Bryan is one of the most informed gluten sensitivity experts, and regularly uses Immunoscience Lab for patients with many of the downstream psych and brain problems associated with the immune dysregulation of celiac and related disorders. This link will tell you some of what we will be reporting here at CorePsychBlog next year regarding celiac and neuroautoimmune findings.

I'll soon post you on the Dr Vojdani meeting, and more on the specific tests available soon after our meeting.

I hope you all have an enjoyable break for the Holidays, and I do look forward to our several projects with you  next year.




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  1. Jama,
    Many thanks for the clarification. Look forward to seeing you both soon.

  2. Jama Lambert says:

    Immunosciences Lab, true, is no longer doing clinical testing, however, with its new found freedom, Dr Vojdani, CEO, is now able to persue his r & D of new testing methodologies. In the meantime, he is making his patented testing available through other clinical laboratories. So, keep your chins up. Dr Vojdani is continuing, and expanding upon, his ability to assist health care providers with their clinical practices.

  3. Mary-
    You raise one of the reasons I am going out there, to get all this straight. My impression at this moment, after a brief preliminary conversation, is that Dr V will remain active in an advisory capacity with their new outsource [?] lab.

    Beverly Hills property many not be the most cost effective *place* for a laboratory, and I know their main offices will be staying in BH because that’s our meeting site.

    Will keep you posted on this, the details are important to many…

  4. Mary Hirzel says:

    Dr. Parker,

    Are you aware that Dr. V’s Immunosciences Lab is no longer doing clinical testing?

    A HUGE loss!