Why do I care? Gluten Sensitivity absolutely effects brain function, we see it in lab results every single day at CorePsych [see this post from 2007]. Fix the immunity pathology and ‘lo and behold' the meds work!
This one is truly worth your time.
No time, but outstanding information! Thanks so much Dr O'Bryan and these outstanding clinicians for adding this remarkable library for improved global awareness. Dr Marsh, you did a super job of setting the tone for this entire Summit.
Pop over here to look at options for adding to your personal Gluten Library. Yes, it's an affiliate link:
Click on this Banner ↑ and take a look at the variety of Library Options. I'll report more later this week.
[…] Asthma 9. Allergic bronchitis 10. Allergic rhinitis, allergic sinusitis, allergic otitis 11. Wheat, lactose, peanut and other food allergies 12. Allergies to food dyes or preservatives 13. Chronic antihistamine […]
[…] world literature confirming the link between damaged brain functioning and immunity issues, such as gluten and casein sensitivity, their consideration as reasonable ADHD treatment remains astonishingly controversial. Remarkable, […]
[…] seen for years: Yes, bowel function, Number 21, is often an associated problem with milk allergies, gluten sensitivity creates bowel vulnerability for other antigens like milk, BCM7 [the errant beta-casomorphin protein in A1 milk] and corrupts […]
[…] seen for years: Yes, bowel function, Number 21, is often an associated problem with milk allergies, gluten sensitivity creates bowel vulnerability for other antigens like milk, BCM7 [the errant beta-casomorphin protein in A1 milk] and corrupts […]
[…] Gluten Summit Library Michael Marsh […]
[…] have a map, if you don’t know where you’re going, why waste money and time on gluten/immunity guesswork? The current psychiatric standard of care, through the fault of antique post-Freudian thinking […]
FYI: JUST linked this article as Related Content for “But I don’t WANT to give up TASTE” on http://ADDandSoMuchMore.com, #2 in my new Sweet-Tooth Series in process.
Hope you (or some of your readers) will pop over and take my “Name That Food” quiz after you’ve chuckled at the linked musical spoof (One Grain More – short and very clever) — let me know if you win, btw.
Hope my readers will pop over here to read & comment upon your well-done articles as well. (The hover box encourages them to click around to read ALL of your excellent Gluten Summit articles.)
mgh (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore.com)
– ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
Thanks so much! Great walking w a creative and insightful spirit such as yours. Really appreciate. Love that Summit! Out here in Palm Springs [will be writing about it] at ACAM, going to dinner w Aristo Vojdani tonight [http://corepsych.com/aristo-vojdani-gluten-summit] – he’s a wonderful guy, with the best immunity lab in the world.
[…] Dr. Charles Parker’s article #1 on the Recent Gluten Summit: Michael Marsh […]
[…] IgG nay-sayers simply need to look at available new data on precision with IgG testing. The woefully outdated focus on celiac disease [CD – end stage villous atrophy Marsh 3 & 4] […]
I want to underscore BOTH of your points above, cp.
I made the choice to purchase the “tapes” AS I listened to Marsh’s info-dense interview. I not only want to listen to the remainder of the Summit on my schedule, I know I will want to listen to this session and more than a few of the others more than once (AND to have permanent access to the transcripts for a quick review).
I was impressed with the low price-point for the digital downloads. Most of the “tapes” for the Summits I have attended have started at $99 – and some have charged extra for those who wanted video, audio AND written versions of the info.
For those who resent having to pay anything at all for information, it seems to me that making the info available and getting the word out is the clear focus here – and that the charges merely recoup some of the costs of putting on the Summit.
What we’re paying for, really, is TIME – making it possible for them to spend their time keeping us informed (without risking bankruptcy ::grin::), as an equal or greater number of minutes of our own lives remain available for other things. All WE have to do is dedicate enough of those minutes to listen or read. Helluva deal, IMHO!
God Bless the organizers and the sponsors. This information is VITAL to those of us who want to thrive – as it underscores the content of many of the articles here on CorePsych (God Bless you too, cp!)
Madelyn Griffith-Haynie, CMC, SCAC, MCC
– ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
(blogs: ADDandSoMuchMore, ADDerWorld & ethosconsultancynz – dot com)
“It takes a village to educate a world!”
As always, enthusiastically w you on this one. Love it, got the exceedingly low cost full program for 67$. Steal.
For readers this remarkable series of programs is linked here.
On the Path, with you….