Brain and Immunity: Brain Function and Our Diet

Your Signature Burn Rate: ADHD Medication Precision – CorePsych Radio 3
March 4, 2009
CorePsych on YouTube: It’s a Start
March 15, 2009

What we eat often does significantly change our mental state: Thinking, Feeling and Emotions in the Stew

Russell Jaffe MD PhD

Russell Jaffe MD PhD

Tune in to CorePsych Radio this Thursday to hear live comments from 4-5 PM EDT at this link, from one of my most respected mentors, Dr Russell Jaffe [Bio with bibliography]. It's always a real pleasure talking to Dr Jaffe, as he practices what he preaches: reviewing the details of mind and body function incredibly completely.

Think: Molecular and Cellular Physiology Translated into Everyday Language

Dr Jaffe has an engaging, tongue in cheek delivery, – and you will enjoy the encouraging stories he tells about real life in clinical practice with missed diagnoses. Dr Jaffe is CEO of ELISA/ACT Biotechnologies a testing service we use regularly at CorePsych for challenging clinical presentations with signs of immune dysregulation in chronic psychiatric presentations. Also do take a moment to read other remarkable case studies at the ELISA/ACT website.

How does ELISA/ACT testing work? Oversimplified: In the laboratory technicians release your white cells [WBCs] on marked antigens to see which antigens the WBCs chase down – the ones they are marked to attack in your body, so you can understand which ones of those bad/allergy producing folks you must remove from your environment and food intake.

CorePsych Radio topic: Brain and Immunity: Our Diets Significantly Effect Brain Function
Handout: Download PDF Handout: Dr Jaffe Interview

Dr Jaffe serves on some very interesting and important national medical boards who are considering how an increasingly thoughtful approach to mind-body medicine can change the face of ordinary psychiatric medical practice in the future. Be prepared for some significant biomedical forecasting as well – Dr Jaffe regularly advocates for more informed medical care internationally.

I've interviewed Dr Jaffe before at CorePsychPodcast, – and with recording equipment glitches, simply didn't do that conversation justice. On that occasion he talked about some of the bigger picture issues in the evolution of biological psychiatry and the implications for improved mental health nationally.

Tune in for what promises to be a delightful and most interesting conversation – Dr Jaffe is full of good science and challenging surprises.

Do pass this Brain Function note on to your colleagues and friends – this program will be very interesting.

The following week I will be back on the ADHD subject with the third CorePsych Radio program in the series of 10 Programs on ADHD Medications – this next one on depression and ADHD and the many problems with teasing these diagnoses apart, then treating them simultaneously without mishap.


1 Comment

  1. New blog post: Brain and Immunity: Brain Function and Our Diet