ADHD Insights: Diagnosis Overlooked

ADHD Insights: Cellular Energy
October 1, 2012
ADHD Insights: On Paying Attention
October 3, 2012

ADHD In Your FaceADHD Diagnosis Overlooked – Heads Up

However beautiful the strategy,
you should occasionally look at the results.

Winston Churchill

If you don't know what you're looking at, you won't see it. If we keep looking for labels, that's all we see. Sometimes that bird is right on your nose, but, quite simply, you're missing it because it isn't in that completely outdated Book of Labels.

When the bird and the book disagree always believe the bird.
James Audubon

This naming thing, this counterproductive label thing with the DSM 4/5, simply misses the diagnostic boat because DSM labels;

  1. Ignore brain science overall – more than 20 years of advanced neuroscience
  2. Ignore brain function specifically – from SPECT and fMRI data, to trace elements
  3. Completely overlooks cognitionwhen ADHD diagnostically should address a cognitive process  😕

National Experts Agree

– And I'm in excellent company with these critical observations, just ask Allen Frances, MD, Duke, past Chair of the DSM 4 Task Force, and Stephen Stahl, MD, from UC San Diego, internationally acclaimed psychopharmacologist and expert on specific neurotransmitter applications for ADHD treatment, and Alan Schatzberg, MD, past Chief at Stanford and past president of the American Psychiatric Association. Listen to this PBS interview discussing ADHD diagnosis from PBS. Feb 2010. All of these senior psychiatrists consider the DSM 5 remarkably outdated and ineffective – and counterproductive.

Start By Rethinking “Hyperactive”

Even the popular ADHD term Hyperactive is outdated. It's simply too global, and far too imprecise… as described on this Parker YouTube video.

Two ADHD Subsets To Look For That Aren't In The Antique DSM 4/5

  1. Thinking ADHDVideo Explanation Here: With details on cognitive anxiety throughout these many pages – missed because we fail to consider cognition or function.
  2. Avoidant ADHDVideo Explanation Here: Not a personality disorder, but a verifiable biologic entity, correctable as a subset of ADHD, if only recognized.

No, You Likely Don't Have ADHD, But You Do Suffer With EFD, Executive Function Disorder

So many new evaluations ask me about that outdated label: “Do I have ADHD?” More often than not the answer is: no, they don't have hyperactivity, 24×7 inattention, or a combination thereof… – but they do suffer with all three brain function subsets of ADHD as outlined in New ADHD Medication Rules, discounted and in paperback soon, now at these bookstores.

  1. Acting ADHD
  2. Thinking ADHD
  3. Avoidant ADHD

Think about it, – and forward these remarks and links below,


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  1. […] Increased pyrrole washes out Zn and B6 resulting in decreased brain levels of serotonin, dopamine, and GABA – encouraging anxiety and depression – as well as diminished Executive Function. […]

  2. […] written details regarding the current ADHD Diagnostic and Treatment Tragedy in these CorePsych pages for the past seven years – actual reports on the vagaries of life […]

  3. […] Without knowing where the rocks are, coastal sailing will inevitably result in frustrating, costly outcomes. Immunity issues, directly related to the three important barriers between the Self and the Non-Self [outside world] often confound excellent medical treatment. Those three barriers: The Gut, The Respiratory Tract and the Skin. Immunity issues, measurable through IgE and IgG testing often directly interfere with neurotransmitter effectiveness. […]

  4. Matt says:

    the link for the PBS interview is not working