Deception With ADHD Medications
Is someone trying to fool you with ADHD meds?
Is that what you thought when meds didn't work as anticipated, and your ADHD recovery journey unexpectedly changed?
Did you start to think that ADHD is a belief system encouraged by big pharma simply trying to make money – seeking some explanation for the madness?
Did you begin to loose confidence in your trusted doc because they have great bedside manner, serious devotion to health service, but simply couldn't get those ADHD stimulant meds right with you?
Why don't docs predict at the outset what to expect with dosing strategies for ADHD meds?
Reassurance: No Deception At Play, Simply Denial About Unpredictability
The good news: no fault – just the nonsense of non-science, and outright denial of available science downstream from group-think.
In my weekly radio show ADHD Meds | Straight Talk, over at Blog Talk Radio [BTR], I cover these issues in detail 30 min every Tuesday at 12:30 ET. The good news: BTR is recorded, can be sent thru links or HTML download, can be reblogged, liked, Google+ed, tweeted – yes, together we can consider answers to ADHD medication challenges and share them with our concerned ADHD community.
Denial, Not Deception
Ignoring the ADHD medication details is simply denial.
Tune In
Tune in below for this Introductory Overview from this past Tuesday.
Thanks for dropping by, – see you next Tuesday!
My latest book releases on Dec 1. Parenting Your Child with ADHD: A No-nonsense Guide for Nurturing Self-reliance and Cooperation (New Harbinger Publications). I would like to appear as a guest on one of your shows to talk about my work. For more information, visit my website at Recently, I appeared on the Peter Breggin Hour (talk radio).
Craig Wiener Ed.D.
Licensed Psychologist
Thanks Craig,
Will look at your info this weekend, strong possibility.