What is the most frequent ADHD Medication problem? – Side effects in the afternoon when the stimulant wears off. Learn these 7 lessons from the crash. Prevent treatment failure.
The only thing more expensive than education is ignorance. [Tweet This] Ben Franklin
#1 The PM Drop Teaches Us How [Link]: – Afternoon ADHD Medication Drop is the single most commonplace resistance and difficulty found in taking ADHD medication. In spite of admonitions here at CorePsych about not paying attention to metabolism or dosage strategies, very few either pay attention or attempt to clinically correct these several essential PM ADHD Medication Drop patterns. Even fewer see through this “PM ADHD Medication Drop” as useful, indeed instructive. This PM Video Crash Series will help correct that most frequent treatment failure challenge. Stay tuned for these next six PM Stimulant Drop videos: If you look forward to the schedule for Stimulant Drop videos – SUBSCRIBE Here For YouTube Updates.
#2: The What Drop [Link]: ADHD Medications simply stop working, Whaaaa??? Don't deny Cognitive Reality. Back to the same ol' straightforward inability to concentrate. Why not overcome the denial and investigate when the meds simply don't work? Why ignore Treatment Failure? In this video we begin to tease out discerning important dopamine challenges from serotonin challenges. Thousands of patients experience problems with this cognitive/affective conundrum because of the woeful inadequacy of the DSM 5 – the diagnostic coding book.
#3: The Sad Drop [Link]: This is the absolute most common Emotional crash – Whining, crying and depression, feeling blue, “out-of-it” emotionally on the sad side. This video encourages a switch in clinical thinking to take readers beyond Cognition and Dopamine to consider Affect, Emotion, Feelings and Serotonin. Miss this Sad Drop and you miss more than 50% of the PM Drop ADHD Medication problems.
#4: The Mad Drop [Link]: This PM Drop is, by far, the next most common emotional crash, after the Sad Drop – Anger, rage, exceeding sensitivity to small insults, kick the wall, throw a chair, – look out here I come. And what does the uniformed clinician call it? Right: Bipolar. This video is inform both public and professionals about what it looks like, the denial that exists around that Touchy Feeling, and the associated serotonin implications – with links to other videos on the same topic. Notice the increasing confusion with each additional, different drop – more subtlety, increasing questions, more perplexity. Remember: you can't treat the specific comorbid ADHD condition unless you recognize it!
#5: The Whatever Drop [Link]: Less frequent, even more subtle, but often seen as apathetic in association – “Who cares? – not me, whatever, I'm gone.” Most characteristic of this drop, the important watershed, is the emotional tone, the feeling, behind the expression. Primary Drop Differentiation: is the person suffering with #2 above, a What Drop? The What Drop has more cognitive, dopamine, a feeling of just too much information, the mental expression of the mind not working adequately. The Whatever derives from a serotonin challenge, much more emotional, defensive, upset, pushing away to protect against hurt feelings vs trouble dealing with thinking. The hurt in the Whatever is more hidden because the person is seeking to avoid that hurt so as to not display it publicly. And, yes, as you might guess, they can reveal as combined: meaning you're experiencing a simultaneous Dopamine Drop with a Serotonin Drop and both need attention at that med check. Whatever in the Afternoon: Only 4:29 min.
#6: The Energy Drop: “I simply can't move. I'm not able to do anything but sleep. Without a stimulant I can't physically do a darn thing. I must get in bed, or feel like going to bed, when the PM Drop from ADHD medication occurs.” With this Energy Drop a different perspective arises – medical, often hormonal, even more biological. Different treatments, different testings are required. With this Energy Drop IgG, adrenal saliva, and thyroid testing results most commonly spell out additional specific interventions to correct the underlying medical challenges. See the other videos linked inside this video while you're watching it.
Another important point arises in this, the #6/7: Start at the beginning here [https://www.corepsych.com/7videosPMDrop]. Watch all the vids in that order from the beginning to fully understand that important ADHD medication big picture. And do Like these vids at YouTube to help spread the word – Thanks! 😉
Time on #6: 6:59 min
#7: The Combo Drop: Puzzling mixed symptoms beg for a more comprehensive perspective that combines these several provocative Drop insights. Cover every base to turn this presentation around. This one will be more difficult, and probably longer… just too much info to cram into 3-4 min on YouTube. Links will be available on the description there for even more info.
If you want something written to review: Download This Special Report – Predictable Solutions For ADHD Medications.
Each of these Drops reveals a specific underlying challenge one can address, only if correctly recognized and understood. Stay tuned and Like This Page below ↓ so your friends can review this brief video on important Energy Drop details that matter everyday.
Don't forget! Subscribe Here at this CoreBrain YouTube Link: > YouTube …You'll receive an email update the moment we upload each new Drop posting – indeed any new videos.
Dr Charles Parker
Author: New ADHD Medication Rules – Brain Science & Common Sense
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Complimentary: 23 Special Report: Predictable Solutions For ADHD Medications
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[…] ADHD Medications Fix The PM Drop-6 The Energy Drop […]
[…] ADHD Medications Fix The PM Drop-6 The Energy Drop […]
[…] ADHD Medications Fix The PM Drop-6 The Energy Drop […]
[…] ADHD Medications Fix The PM Drop-6 The Energy Drop […]
[…] ADHD Medications Fix The PM Drop-6 The Energy Drop […]
[…] ADHD Medications Fix The PM Drop-6 The Energy Drop […]
[…] ADHD Medications Fix The PM Drop-6 The Energy Drop […]
Wow! That’s me for sure! In fact fatigue is my main symptom. Fatigue and chronic boredom. All I feel like doing is sleeping and resting (But I do like to exercise).
I think I have a little bit of ALL of your videos.
I better not waste time with other doctors. I better see you!
Mike, We can jump on your multiple issues long distance, or if you want me to write for the meds plan a short trip to Va Beach, spelled out in detail on this page: http://corepsych.com/services,
Hi, You have some informative links grouped here. Unfortunately some of them don’t work .. Can you fix them , or post some new ones?
Thanks Amy – I think they are all now corrected. If you find any I missed please do let me know! Much appreciated – the big bad link was on #2/7