Guest Post: by Dana Rayburn
It’s summertime and the living is easy. But what feels good and easy right now can lead to big issues anytime you suffer with Adult ADHD. The relaxed schedules and lack of structure can lull us into letting our guard down and ignoring those important ADHD systems and structures that keep us on track the rest of the year.
Personally, unless my reminder systems and schedule are strong and strategic, the business goals and organizing systems I had firmly in place in early June have drifted away by September.
Projects get neglected. Bills may be paid late. The clutter begins to build – both at work and at home.
But it that's not the way it has to be.
Being strategic is the key to enjoying your summer. Yes, it’s important to relax and let down your ADHD management guard a bit unless you want to spend September feeling disgusted with yourself. But an outcome of disorganization associated with digging out of the mess that accumulated while you were reading a book in the hammock can't work either.
You have to approach summer realistically – with a plan in mind. Balance works.
View looking west from Long Island, Maine
When you have ADHD it is so easy to have unrealistic expectations of yourself and what you will accomplish. Plan to take it easier during the summer. Plan fewer work projects and set fewer big goals.
Remember, even though you may relax a bit more during the summer, Adult ADHD never goes on vacation. Focusing on these three essential ADHD summer survival tips will help you stay on track.
There are many techniques for making life with ADHD not only manageable but productive, organized and happy. I hope these quick tips will help you balance your summer with both relaxation and efficiency!
For more information on Living with ADHD visit my Website. – And have a super summer!
Dana Rayburn – ADHD Coach: Stay Organized For Life!
Thanks for the pointers Dana!
Dr Charles Parker
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