
March 17, 2014

Predictable Solutions For ADHD Medications

If you or your loved ones suffer with any misunderstandings about ADHD medication treatment strategies, don't be surprised, you're in the majority, not the minority.
March 10, 2014

ADHD – The Galileo Moment

The pervasive, unmentionable problem: too many write for meds without any training on the reality of diagnosis or treatment specifics for ADHD, thinking that labels provided sufficient maps for mind travel. Galileo would not approve.
February 23, 2014

ADHD Medications Fix The PM Drop-7 The Combo Drop

Puzzling mixed side effects beg for a more comprehensive perspective that combines these several provocative Drop insights. Cover every base to turn this complicated presentation around.
February 17, 2014

ADHD Medications Fix The PM Drop-6 The Energy Drop

With this Energy Drop a different ADHD Medication perspective arises - medical, often hormonal, even more biological. Different treatments, different testings are required.