
July 1, 2012

The Disorganized Mind

The Disorganized Mind is a jargon-free story of self-coaching and learning to live with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - written from the perspective of someone who has struggled with ADHD throughout their life
April 22, 2012

CoreBrain Training: College and Goodbye

The college guy in this picture is smiling, and being brave about it. Mom is having a hard time. Mom is closer to the truth in 2012 - because college just isn't all roses any more. There are no guarantees. Planning makes a difference.
March 25, 2012

ADHD Coaching: Thinking About Thinking

If you are an ADHD coach and haven't yet connected with the ACO, the ADHD Coaches Organization, now is the time to get on it and get cracking
February 27, 2012

Psych Meds or No Psych Meds

Mind science is full of polemic possibilities, and it's our collective team mission, if you read CorePsych News, or Core Psych Blog, or work with us at CoreBrain Training, to spread the word on the confusions present in some of the current mind-care delivery debate.