
December 6, 2010

CoreBrain Training – Bench to Trench In DC

Have you been thinking about all of this new brain and body neuroscience material, - but just don't have your arms wrapped around the translation from functional neurophysiology to the most effective office applications? This meeting will show you how.
December 5, 2010

CorePsych Blog – Brief Kindle Updates

News from the front for those of you Kindle lovers - you will notice that CorePsych Blog is now with Kindle
November 8, 2010

ADHD And Glutamate: Neurotransmitters Evolve

Emerging research also implicates the neurotransmitter glutamate in the development of ADHD, likely due to its interaction with dopamine and norepinephrine.
October 30, 2010

CoreBrain Training

For CoreBrain Training Jump on this opt-in list/sign up below with your email so I can keep you updated for several training opportunities coming up in 2012.