
September 12, 2010

ADHD Medication Rules: Paying Attention To Details

We simply aren't paying attention to the details, so let's start looking with this video
September 7, 2010

Gluten: Immunity On The Rise: New Wheat Notes

The Gluten/Celiac Increase, Researchers Say, Is In The Wheat Newbies. - If you have any interest in why so much news about gluten sensitivity and immune dysregulation you will love this news.
September 6, 2010

Virtual ADHD 2010 Conference: Plan To Go

ADHD Rewind: Want to Participate in the Latest ADHD Updates? I'm sending this note out to tell you about a fantastic event that I’m participating in, […]
August 31, 2010

Urinary Neurotransmitters Measured

Just in case you aren't sure, and want a clear, definitive set of references on all this complexity - I'm loading up this new paper just for you. Do read it - 3 pages of refs