
April 18, 2010

ADHD Medication Rules: What To Do

Because we already know each other I am sending this out to give you a heads up on a forthcoming special pre-publication offer with - ADHD Medication Rules: What To Do When Nothing Is Working -
April 4, 2010

Depression, 5HTP and L-Tryptophan: Laboratory Markers Matter

Consider the typical progression of a patient with major depression: They usually go through periods of poor appetite and limited food intake, and they systematically show decreases in average stomach acid output. So, their protein intake and digestive capacity become deteriorated.
March 15, 2010

CorePsych Updates: Crossroads

Imagine this - I took a vacation... The White Boys and Wives Blues Excursion: Five, count them, surprisingly compatible couples in a White Van for a full 7 days, touring up the Blues Highway in the MS Delta
February 14, 2010

DSM 5 Diagnosis: Psychiatric Institution Lockdown

Clay Shirky on Institutional vs collaborative thinking - must listen TED Talk