
November 14, 2009

Vyvanse diminishes Memory? Watch The Top of The Therapeutic Window

Vyvanse can create memory problems and there are several likely explanations, so let's review. Most importantly, remember these small Vyvanse challenges do teach us - they point the way to the next logical intervention for the most effective medication dosage strategies.
November 7, 2009

Neurotransmitters & Psychiatric Medications: The Turkey Shoot Revisited

Let's target the symptoms precisely. The approach of Turkey Season serves as a great reminder for what-not-to-do with psychiatric medications and supplements, and how to consider withdrawal from gluten with neurotransmitters.
November 2, 2009

ADHD Medications: Neurotransmitters to the Rescue

Neurotransmitter physiology takes us way beyond what we have been doing for years with only stimulant medications. Neurotransmitters will take us further down the line to that holy grail of ADHD treatments: the Natural Way.
October 18, 2009

Bipolar, Cobra and ADHD: Are We Killing a Hognose Snake?

Out in the metaphoric mind-woods? Think you have the diagnosis right? Let's take a few more minutes to get the specific, correct identification. See what you think about this brief video