
December 22, 2008

The River, the RAPIDS, and Your Recovery Process: Life and Reality

If you are interested in the recovery process [drugs, alcohol, relationships, 'workaholism'] or if you simply are interested in adult development on any level, you may be interested to better understand your own life's river running, and your own reaction to ever changing reality.
December 21, 2008

Amphetamines: CYP 450 2D6 Drug Interaction Update

ADD, ADHD Update: We know Prozac and Paxil commonly interact with amphetamines [AMP] Now we should also watch for Antihistamines as well, see this article.
December 11, 2008

101 Fascinating Brain Blogs: An Excellent Review

Brain information continues to mushroom: Many excellent brain blogs keep all of us posted on these interesting neuroscience developments. Alisa Miller has reviewed and published an inclusive summary "101 Fascinating Brain Blogs" over at the Online Educational Database [OEDb] for our mutual use and Holiday reading.
December 4, 2008

ADD, ADHD Medications: Immediate Release Stimulants – Cheap and Low Compliance

So, why do some continue to fool around with IR [Immediate Release] meds? - Money talks, their money. See the 7 Tips on how to understand better IR Stimulant titration strategies for ADD ADHD medications, soon at