
November 8, 2008

Gluten/Celiac, Migraine, & ADD/ADHD Connections 1

Blood Vessels Diminished in Function Contribute to Migraines and to ADD - One cause for all these problems, often over-looked, is gluten sensitivity.
November 7, 2008

Brain, ADD, Gluten Are Connected: Dr Tom O’Bryan’s Fall Lectures

Dr Tom O'Bryan Discusses Immune Dysfunction and Brain Consequences - From Tom "I'm in the midst of my Fall seminar series on the Neurological and Musculoskeletal Complications of Gluten Sensitivity. As you know, and like you, I have a passion to get the word out about the impact of our food selections on the function of our bodies."
November 6, 2008

ADD, ADHD Medication: Overview Summary – Therpeutic Window

The Entire Problem with Stimulant Meds for ADD/ADHD can be summarized in two ways- Too Much, or Not Enough. Inside the Therapeutic Window - is the Correct Dosage, not too much, not too little, lasting exactly the right duration through the day.
November 5, 2008

ADD, ADHD Medication: Find The Sides of the Therapeutic Window.

7 Essential Tips to Find Those Effective Sides of the Therapeutic Window When Treating ADD/ADHD: The 'Sides of the Window' are Puzzling and Require a Few More Office Questions. The reason to ask the questions is simple: we want to know exactly how the medication is working in the context of time of day, duration of effectiveness,