
July 6, 2008

Brain Talk and Web 2.0 – Tips on Connecting, And An Over-the-top Immunity Update

The Interesting Immunity Update Story - just imagine this clinical presentation: Nine year old girl comes in out of control... treated for years, was wild at 4 yo, has been taking meds for about 5 years, is diagnosed as Bipolar,
June 25, 2008

ADD/ADHD Medications: Just The Top of the Window

The Therapeutic Window: Use it Everyday for Every ADD/ADHD Medication Adjustment. Very briefly: I am excited! My first article is up and running over at EzineArticles and today, in a rush, just don't have time to discuss the details except to tell you, patient or practitioner, that it will help understand ADD medication dosage systems.
June 24, 2008

Russert, Heart, Brain and Predictable Vascular Inflammation

ust a quick note in response to the recent New York Times piece on Tim Russert's passing "...Some Painful Truths." Many of the Times comments speak to the futility of the inability to make the diagnosis, when in fact it was already previously made, and many have been talking about these issues regarding vascular health for years. Vascular health is a subject implicit in many conditions from heart to brain, and just as evidence with brain science has a difficult time finding a place in everyday practice, many cardiologists are missing the evidence boat.
June 22, 2008

ADD/ADHD Parker Updates

Just a quick update on the Blog Silence over here with Parker - been working on ADD/ADHD projects: I've been working, but not as hard as I did for the 3 summers I shoveled concrete on the roads in Missouri. Yes, those days were interesting in that I worked hard and got a big promotion after two years, from the shovel to the chute. - Big responsibility move!