
June 17, 2008

ADD/ADHD Medications: Problems Remain with School Breakfasts

ADD/ADHD Medications Work - School Breakfast Timing Requires Careful Attention I was up in New Haven recently and had several conversations with pediatricians and child psychiatrists about school breakfasts, - provided at school for many of the metro children as a service to ensure they had proper AM nutrition. It's sponsored by state and federal and state governments, and is helpful for many.
June 12, 2008

Beliefs and ADD: When will people take a look at the science?

ADD/ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment: Taking the Science in Bite Size Pieces:Announcing a forthcoming teleseminar series - Resolving the 10 Biggest Problems with ADD Medications - and a brief thanks that makes the point regarding the need for more public and professional education.
June 1, 2008

Gluten, Celiac, Candida, Anemia, Osteoporosis and Psychiatric Problems

The comorbid conditions with gluten sensitivity abound, and walk into the office everyday.
May 27, 2008

ADD/ADHD: Real People Discuss Real Improvement

ADD Videos in the New York Times: Sometimes it takes video reporting with real people to make the points we see everyday in our office. Check out the ADD video links below - from a recent NYT piece.