
October 21, 2007

Recipe for Brain Function: Measuring Transit Time

Brain Function, brain health, brain recovery and brain treatment all depend upon an essential, yet often overlooked bowel transit time measurement: From your mouth in the GI North to passage through the South.
October 13, 2007

SPECT Imaging Notes: Just looking is the first step

Brain imaging in clinical practice is a next major advance in psychiatry - neuroscience matters.

October 7, 2007

Gluten Sensitivity Beacons: Head, Face and Teeth

Brain function diminished by gluten sensitive enteropathy - considered on any level - requires a full appreciation of the obvious facial features that walk into our consulting rooms.
September 30, 2007

Gluten/Casein Sensitivity: Brain Function Deterioration

Brain Function problems show on SPECT imaging downstream from gluten/casein sensitivity. Some can appear psychotic, as we have witnessed in our CorePsych office - and as reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine in that previous post linked above.