
September 28, 2007

Brain Awareness: Milk Addiction – Withdrawal is Real

The name of the two peptides with links here for further review [noting that authorities don't yet completely agree on this phenomenon] are casomorphin [a milk peptide] and gliadorphin or gluteomorphine [two names for the opioid peptide arising from partially broken down gliadin portion of the gluten protein in wheat.
September 17, 2007

Sagience: Blending Age, Wisdom, and Science

Sagience: For executives, professionals and counselors in the Baby Boomer Generation. If you are interested in the most complete series of presentations and discussions regarding the challenges of our baby boomer generation consider signing up:
September 16, 2007

Insulin Resistance: Metabolic Syndrome Essentials

The term Insulin Resistance at first sounds too technical, but in the end is one of the most pervasive and under appreciated hormone disorders. It can make you depressed, and/or can simply kill you.
August 24, 2007

Celiac Notes: Opiate Withdrawal from Gluten and Casein?

You might want to warn gluten sensitive, celiac and casein sensitive patients about this very odd and painful clinical phenomenon: Withdrawal after stopping can be painful, exhausting, and depressing, with weakness, anger, and brain fog.