
August 23, 2007

The Black Swan Flies: Call the Black Swan, Be Ready

Taleb connects interesting observations from statistical analysis in economics to epidemiology and medical evolution... on the subject of acceptance - acceptance of real evidence, beyond statistical analysis.
August 20, 2007

Adrenal Fatigue: New Findings at CorePsychPodcast

If you think you understand burnout take a listen to this interview. Interestingly, Wikipedia thinks it's just a psychological term...
August 18, 2007

Hard Evidence: Gluten Sensitivity and Neurologic Impairment

Gluten Sensitivity: A neurological problem with gait, peripheral neuropathy, psychiatric and cognitive disturbances. Comments on testing with IgG Antigliadin Antibodies: Some facts for the medical readers and those interested in more information.
August 13, 2007

Why We Overlook Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity

This is the first in a series of celiac and gluten sensitivity reports taken directly from an interesting series of posts by Dr Scot Lewey, a gastroenterologist who "gets it" with gluten sensitivity. and regularly reports on the downstream psych and neurological effects.