
May 19, 2007

Non Med Options for Brain Treatment: Neurofeedback 1

From ADHD to brain injury, to anxiety and tic disorder, to seizures and bipolar: Neurofeedback provides additional treatment alternatives.
May 17, 2007

Iodine Deficiency 4: ADD: Why Test before pregnancy for Iodine?

Iodine, Pregnancy and ADD Continued:          Iodine deficiency is a sleeper, and significantly related to fibrocystic breast disease, estrogen metabolism and estrogen dominance [more […]
May 16, 2007

Iodine Deficiency 3: Why Test for Iodine?

It is well known that maternal hypothyroidism during pregnancy can result in severe neuropsychomotor defects in the child, including a 150-fold increase in cerebral palsy expectancy
May 15, 2007

Iodine Deficiency 2: Measurement Strategies

Testing Iodine levels provides a better foundation for any intervention. Simply intuitively adding on some iodine can dysregulate those with pre-existing thyroid problems, and can assess […]