Last week I spent 5 days with Dr Bill Walsh at the Walsh Research Institute learning key clinical details on Walsh Protocols- and I strongly encourage any medical colleagues to sign on for the next Walsh Conference, anticipated in Spring 2015. Dr Walsh invited Dr Elizabeth Mumper, world authority on Autism Spectrum Disorder as a key presenter for that Walsh Research Institute training, with specific planned focus on Autism. Many returned to Chicago after attending the first US Walsh Research Institute meeting in North Carolina this spring, he's presented abroad now about 17 times, most often in Australia.
The Walsh Team takes biomedical testing to a completely new level through the review of volunteer patients eager to review additional options in the face of years of treatment failure. Patient interviews, detailed from sensitivity to clothing tags to hormone dysregulation, provided refreshing additional insights correlated with the medical and biomedical testing results.
New information brings new protocols and new laboratory relationships as documented in these two downloads. I've revised them for your review, available for download here at SlideShare:
Download How: Go to the lower left of the view box, click on View on SlideShare, and open in SlideShare. Then look at the ↓ Download arrow on the bar at the bottom of that window, and download to your machine. Easy. 😎
Easy Link: To share with colleagues:
[slideshare id=39236881&doc=walshbiomedicaloverview-140918060027-phpapp02&type=d]
Pyrrole testing is highly specialized and requires specific experience to provide consistent outcomes. Dr Walsh and staff, including Dr. Albert Mensah and Dr. Judith Bowman from the Mensah Medical, and Dr Mumper [above] all agreed that testing could prove inaccurate, no matter how wonderful the lab. Their collective, refreshing point: always take a careful history and review patients medically for clinical details rather than sign off to simply treat lab results – even though they love the labs they're regularly using.
The testing company they all appreciate and use regularly: Direct Health Care Access near Chicago.
Important note: The Walsh Research Institute is a non-profit, and they make that clear throughout the presentations. Strongly recommended for their clear mission regarding advancing informed, improved patient care.
Dr Charles Parker
PS:For specific links to previous Walsh Depression Biotypes at CorePsychand multiple Epigenetics videos for Walsh Protocols:
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[…] Walsh Nutrient Protocol aims at increasing serotonin and dopamine levels in the […]