ADHD Insights: Prevalence Errors

ADHD Insights: Neurotransmitter Chickens
September 10, 2012
ADHD Insights: Change Overlooked
September 12, 2012

ADHD Diagnostic Imprecision Leads To False Prevalence Conclusions  Français : cortex frontal

Using the same, outdated DSM-4 [Diagnostic Statistical Manual] criteria, with even more disturbing diagnostic limitations for ADHD recognition encouraged by DSM-5,

  1. based upon limited, reductionisitic, superficial, external observations,
  2. based upon the woefully outdated model of non-participatory, vertically managed medicine,
  3. without considering brain function as experienced and understood by the patient,
  4. without considering executive function compromise in the context of changes in reality,
  5. without understanding the organic/biologically based relationships between personality and brain function
  6. while using the same limited view of ADHD diagnosis that completely misses the role of emotions/affect in ADHD diagnostic precision,
  7. while overlooking cognitive anxiety/cognitive abundance as a subset of prefrontal cortical inefficiency,
  8. while overlooking avoidance as a prefrontal cortical activity,
  9. while missing the fact that the elemental process of denial may have roots in prefrontal cortical/executive function challenges,
  10. while missing the profound relevance of multiple comorbid conditions that appear on the surface as ADHD manifestations,

– it's quite safe to say that:

  1. far too many ADHD diagnostic opportunities are missed,
  2. thus, many individuals who could be helped are often remarkably overlooked,
  3. and misidentified,
  4. and mistreated,
  5. indeed neglected.

The prevalence statistics, oft quoted by almost every ADHD paper, do not adequately address the profound challenges with millions.


Old stats don't tell the true tale. ADHD, more to the point, Executive Function Disorder [EFD], prevalence is significantly higher than outdated criteria suggests. Serious revision in EFD diagnostic criteria should become an important focus for anyone globally with any remote interest in improved patient care.

Outing the outdated and imprecise prevalence numbers must become an ADHD/EFD global citizenship responsibility. If you agree: Share, Like, Google+, and send to your social networks below. Executive function problems remain painfully overlooked.




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