November 19, 2013

ADHD Medication Love

Do you have someone in your life whom you deeply appreciate, who needs a little help - like your favorite doctor/nurse practitioner/physician's assistant - to move forward with new ADHD mind science?
November 11, 2013

Aristo Vojdani Gluten Summit

Today, a brief introduction to a remarkable person I've had the pleasure of knowing, albeit peripherally, since early 2008: Dr Aristo [Ari] Vojdani - one of the deepest immunologists in the world.
August 4, 2013

3 ADHD Metabolic Insights

If we either outright ignore, innocently deny, or angrily dispute, it doesn't make any difference, Reality will catch up with necessary change.
July 29, 2013

ADHD Reality Matters

Many suffer with the innocence, the denial, and the overt disregard for useful ADHD data, simply because it doesn't at first appear as a Reality on their own personal doorstep.