July 1, 2013

ADHD and PTSD Connected

ADHD Interferes With PTSD Recovery - Remember: PTSD interferes with ADHD recovery as well. The complexity of ADHD and PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, find counterproductive links at every turn.
June 25, 2013

Dodson Dysphoria and ADHD

In the context of a fresh discussion over at ADD Connect on Bill Dodson's new diagnostic subset of ADHD "Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria" I thought we should revisit the "dysphoric" Grumpy from '08.
March 7, 2013

ADHD Insights: 8 Videos – Immunity, Gut, Meds

Immunity measures are changing lives, saving considerable money, and brightening treatment outcomes with improved predictability.
January 17, 2013

ADHD Insights: 9 Videos on Medication Dosage

The confusion with ADHD meds continues daily - and remains pervasive, globally. From cookie cutters solutions with dosing strategies based on formulaic recipes with pervasive ADHD diagnostic and treatment ambiguities - these videos provide some answers.