October 25, 2011

Parker, CorePsych At CHADD

Yes, I've been working with folks who suffer with ADHD for years, but just didn't catch on, until lately, to the importance of CHADD - the national organization for Children and Adults with AD/HD.
May 11, 2011

ADHD Medication Dosage: Precision Counts

Many thousands of individuals are treated everyday for ADHD disorders using stimulant meds that don't last 24 hr, but only last for a portion of the day. So why aren't we paying attention to those important details-
November 8, 2010

ADHD And Glutamate: Neurotransmitters Evolve

Emerging research also implicates the neurotransmitter glutamate in the development of ADHD, likely due to its interaction with dopamine and norepinephrine.
October 30, 2010

CoreBrain Training

For CoreBrain Training Jump on this opt-in list/sign up below with your email so I can keep you updated for several training opportunities coming up in 2012.