ADD/ADHD diagnosis and treatment

September 2, 2012

ADHD: SPECT Brain Imaging Evidence

If you wonder about ADHD, if you know someone, and likely you do, that thinks ADHD is a "belief system" encouraged by big pharma, listen up.
April 22, 2012

CoreBrain Training: College and Goodbye

The college guy in this picture is smiling, and being brave about it. Mom is having a hard time. Mom is closer to the truth in 2012 - because college just isn't all roses any more. There are no guarantees. Planning makes a difference.
August 22, 2011

ADHD Medication Rules Launch At Amazon

Yes, I do want this fresh Rules launch to create a buzz, and hope to engage you in the process of moving forward beyond the categorical thinking, the static, one-dimensional counterproductive ADHD labels, and the absolute non-science so prevalent with ADHD diagnosis and treatment today.
June 27, 2011

Psych Meds: Time, Titration and Tachyphylaxis

So many psych drugs appear to manifest a roving Therapeutic Window, an unpredictable metabolic pattern that appears to move around and require changing over time - thus resulting in tachyphylaxis.