ADHD Medications

June 17, 2009

Vyvanse Dosing for ADHD: Finding the Safe Top of the Window

ADHD and Ultrarapid Metabolizers: Frustrations Facing Individualized Care with Vyvanse. Cookie cutter medicine in psych treatment is on its way out - from SPECT reports to simply adjusting the dosage of medications in the office, the public knows that one size, one platitude, one description of one mood, does not fit all.
June 11, 2009

ADHD: Vyvanse – The Therapeutic Window Mystery

Vyvanse has many interesting features for ADHD treatment - but this challenge is often missed. Take a quick look at this video, - help understand the Top of the Window with Vyvanse
May 25, 2009

Depression and ADHD: Jim Carrey on Neurotransmitters

Yes, Jim Carrey is using neurotransmitter precursors to help him with depression, - and what he is saying often makes office sense - we have regularly witnessed burnout from SSRIs - live on Larry King.
April 26, 2009

ADHD: The Therapeutic Window via Indiana and NYC

Monday I recorded the CorePsych Radio Therapeutic Window Piece, - all set for playing 4PM Thursday afternoon, whilst I was on a plane headed to Fort Wayne, IN. Fri I gave a full day presentation on brain and body evidence, diagnosis and the new medications, for Park Center - the recording didn't make it due to a server crash.