ADHD Medications

November 7, 2013

William Davis Gluten Summit

Gluten and milk sensitivity effect multiple organ systems. That's the reason the entire field is so confused - cardiology connects with psychiatry.
November 6, 2013

David Perlmutter Gluten Summit

You really must show up for David at the complimentary Gluten Summit next week, and, while you're at it, dive into Dr Perlmutter's remarkable new book Grain Brain.
November 5, 2013

Mark Hyman Gluten Summit

See this video by Mark Hyman, MD one of the most outstanding speakers in The Gluten Summit series next week. If you don't show up you'll miss this world thought leader.
November 4, 2013

Why Attend The Gluten Summit

If you recognize psychiatric/psychological challenges on any level with emotional or cognitive imbalances this complimentary gluten summit immunity series will provide fresh answers.