November 17, 2008

ADD, ADHD Stimulant Medication Dosage: The ‘Bottom Bewitching Hours’

New ADD/ADHD stimulant meds can cover the entire day, school and work alone are no longer the only objectives. Family life, the evening, and overall cognitive management throughout the day, have become important treatment objectives with the new medication alternatives.
November 13, 2008

ADD, ADHD Stimulant Medication Dosage: Underdose or Overdose?

Remember the 'Top of the Window' is ranging too high in dosage, the 'Bottom of the Window' is too little dosage. The worst thing that can happen when you are working to carefully correct stimulant meds: an overdose upwards because that apparent 'bottom,' the apparent underdose, was actually too much meds and the patient was actually coming out of the 'top.'
November 8, 2008

Gluten/Celiac, Migraine, & ADD/ADHD Connections 1

Blood Vessels Diminished in Function Contribute to Migraines and to ADD - One cause for all these problems, often over-looked, is gluten sensitivity.
November 7, 2008

Brain, ADD, Gluten Are Connected: Dr Tom O’Bryan’s Fall Lectures

Dr Tom O'Bryan Discusses Immune Dysfunction and Brain Consequences - From Tom "I'm in the midst of my Fall seminar series on the Neurological and Musculoskeletal Complications of Gluten Sensitivity. As you know, and like you, I have a passion to get the word out about the impact of our food selections on the function of our bodies."