brain function

May 1, 2011

Brain, Immunity and Treatment Failure – Neuroscience Evidence

The challenging problems that occur with successful treatment for ADHD encourage an improved review of underlying biomedical issues. With that additional laboratory understanding more precise treatment strategies often provide improved outcomes.
April 11, 2011

ADHD Medication Problems: Why They Don’t Work

ADHD Problems: The Cause For ADHD Symptoms – More Than Simple Dopamine Deficiency With just a little more investigation we can see what we intuitively already […]
February 6, 2011

Pera and Parker: ADHD Success Clinic 1

ADHD Success Clinic: Look For Us Soon In Northern VA - Gina Pera Presents In Norther VA - My gifted blogging, writing and editing buddy, Gina Pera, winner of four National Book Awards for her best selling book on ADHD joins me out here in VA for an important first: Deep training at our first ADHD Success Clinic.
January 16, 2011

ADHD and PEA – The Stealth Neurotransmitter

Treating ADHD is more about neurotransmitter balance than simply giving a trial of meds. These 4 neurotransmitters all contribute to ADHD improvement - PEA is the least understood.