Child and Adolescent

September 18, 2012


Let's face the naming thing squarely, head on. ADHD and ADD labels provide more confusion than understanding, more complexity than common sense. Why, because they describe symptoms that remain on the surface.
September 16, 2012

ADHD Insights: Hormones Matter

If you don't first consider, then measure for specific hormone imbalances you'll remain unconvinced that hormone fluctuations do often create significant ADHD symptoms.
September 10, 2012

ADHD Insights: Neurotransmitter Chickens

One of the many reasons so many deny ADHD as a biologically valid medical entity is the simple observation that too often the ADHD stimulant meds simply don't work predictably.
September 5, 2012

ADHD Insights: Transitions and Change

If you don't inject time *and thus context* into your ADHD assessments, you will miss the boat more often than not. No this isn't particle physics, but Heisenberg did get it right in 1927: Time matters