Dr Charles Parker

October 20, 2008

Impulsivity: Is it AD/HD or IED, Intermittent Explosive Disorder?

A little-known mental disorder marked by episodes of unwarranted anger [-sounds like ADD/ADHD at first glance] is more common than previously thought...
October 18, 2008

Fixing the ADD Madness: The Diagnostic Mess

Right Targets Right Interventions If you don't see the specific AD/HD target, if you don't have a specific objective, how can you hit anything no matter what technique you use?
October 12, 2008

ADD Context II: Physics, Reality, and Structure

ADD: A diagnosis over time - A diagnosis of context. So what do I mean by "context? In the last post I told you about the physics professor with ADD - and you may very well have said: Impossible! His "management problem," that "group problem" he has, is not ADD, it is SAD, Social Anxiety Disorder. Descriptively I agree, but functionally [from the point of view of brain function} it's more than that.
October 11, 2008

AD/HD: Diagnosis and Treatment Often Miss the Mark

Our diagnostic grid for ADD Spectrum Disorders [with multiple expressions of attention related issues] is almost purely descriptive - with the inevitable consequence that we most often treat labels, not people. The public is mad because, more frequently than not, our measurements simply don't consider their pain.