
July 28, 2009

Why SPECT Brain Imaging: Details Live on CorePsych Radio

SPECT Brain Imaging Is An Indispensable Brain Diagnostic Tool - On Thursday [7-30-09] at CorePsych Radio I'll give you as many basic details about 'how and why' as I can cover in a well-organized hour - see the handout here
June 29, 2009

Brain, Impulsivity and Evidence: What To Do Next

Been There With Impulsivity? Do you think you’ve seen enough impulsivity for a lifetime? Are there times when you are held hostage with subtle, uncompromising, relentless impulsivity, - read on...
June 22, 2009

Neurofeedback with Kurt Othmer on CorePsych Radio

Neurofeedback: from What, to Why, to How - Kurt Othmer from EEG Info on CorePsych Radio. This video of Kurt will give you just a few moments to see how NFB works
June 11, 2009

ADHD: Vyvanse – The Therapeutic Window Mystery

Vyvanse has many interesting features for ADHD treatment - but this challenge is often missed. Take a quick look at this video, - help understand the Top of the Window with Vyvanse