
June 9, 2009

ADHD: Vyvanse and Duration – DOE Simplified

The ADHD medication mess can be significantly corrected by regularly paying attention to the specifics of each individual DOE, is it too much, or too little? Do we have to pay attention to paying attention? Oh yeah...
June 8, 2009

Stress and Sleep: Neurotransmitter Secrets on CorePsych Radio

An informed view emerges: Brain, Neurotransmitters, Stress and Sleep -No, we aren't paying enough attention the specific neurotransmitter imbalances discoverable with stress and sleep - and the good news is: it's all measurable and fixable.
June 3, 2009

ADHD Diagnosis: ADHD or Just a Bad Person?

Yes, the Avoidant ADHD folk hate speaking about their 'issues,' don't want to see anyone remotely psychiatric, and simply need to be left alone.
May 31, 2009

ADHD and Anxiety: ADHD Looks Like OCD

As you will see in this video, 'anxiety' can take on many different faces - and cognitive anxiety, you heard it first here, is simply not in the books yet - strange, but true. If we don't look for it we just can't see it - and so much of ADHD symptoms are associated with anxiety.