Mental health

September 18, 2010

ADHD Rules: Always Target Context

ADHD Treatment Targets Need Clarification - Reality Changes - If you wonder why you can't get the meds right. If you wonder about diagnosis and the question: "Is it hyperactive, inattentive or combined?" - 'Context' becomes exceedingly important.
September 12, 2010

ADHD Medication Rules: Paying Attention To Details

We simply aren't paying attention to the details, so let's start looking with this video
August 31, 2010

Urinary Neurotransmitters Measured

Just in case you aren't sure, and want a clear, definitive set of references on all this complexity - I'm loading up this new paper just for you. Do read it - 3 pages of refs
August 29, 2010

Intuniv Answers: ADHD Neurotransmitters – Glutamate Matters

Thanks to Intuniv we have a new neurotransmitter to consider - and it must be considered in the context, as with any other ADHD med, of the Therapeutic Window.