
November 28, 2009

Intuniv For ADHD: Dosing Details

Intuniv is not a stimulant - refills on prescriptions will not be so problematic. This ADHD medication is not a Ritalin or Amphetamine concern.
June 9, 2009

ADHD: Vyvanse and Duration – DOE Simplified

The ADHD medication mess can be significantly corrected by regularly paying attention to the specifics of each individual DOE, is it too much, or too little? Do we have to pay attention to paying attention? Oh yeah...
March 30, 2009

ADHD Medications with Depression: Seven Significant Problems

Depression and ADHD: Often Confusing - Listen on CorePsych Radio -handout for the program at this link, medications specifically recommended
July 20, 2008

Understanding ADD/ADHD Medications: Pay Attention to the Details

ADD/ADHD medications at first seems simple - if you have ADD, "Here's the script." Yes, I am suggesting we modify our scripting process. The truth is that ADD/ADHD medications do require specific, precise thinking with clear guidelines - or the entire process of medication management can become dangerous, frustrating, or disappointingly ineffective - with disastrous long term consequences. Problems arise much too often. And they are correctable!