
October 25, 2011

Parker, CorePsych At CHADD

Yes, I've been working with folks who suffer with ADHD for years, but just didn't catch on, until lately, to the importance of CHADD - the national organization for Children and Adults with AD/HD.
October 23, 2011

Mind Science – Critical Thinking Matters

Why do so many practitioners write for so many different psych meds without thinking about the body that the meds must pass through before reaching the brain - simple: a lack of critical thinking.
October 18, 2011

Moneyball Brain – From Content To Process

No, as many used to tell me at Eastern State Hospital in 1963, I'm not crazy. Moneyball, the movie, is a game changer, and one for the whole family - especially if you're stuck with labels, content, games, and can't dig deeper into the process.
July 16, 2011

Antidepressants Do Work – Gossip Doesn’t

Dr Peter Kramer at Brown University wrote an article in the Sunday NY Times Opinion Review: In Defense of Antidepressants - It's a worthy read on several levels, - but even Kramer missed some fine points. Stats without substance result in gossip.