
December 19, 2013

Intuniv For ADHD – Details Updated

This Intuniv post is the second busiest in my 7 years of reportage at CorePsych - rewritten with a collection of all Intuniv posts linked for easy review.
November 19, 2013

ADHD Medication Love

Do you have someone in your life whom you deeply appreciate, who needs a little help - like your favorite doctor/nurse practitioner/physician's assistant - to move forward with new ADHD mind science?
November 18, 2013

IgG Labs Evolve

If one doesn't measure the specific antigenic activity the real diagnosis remains missed.
November 12, 2013

Gluten Summit Library Michael Marsh

Thanks so much Dr O'Bryan and these outstanding clinicians for adding this remarkable library for improved global awareness. Dr Marsh sets the Gluten Summit tone.