
December 6, 2010

CoreBrain Training – Bench to Trench In DC

Have you been thinking about all of this new brain and body neuroscience material, - but just don't have your arms wrapped around the translation from functional neurophysiology to the most effective office applications? This meeting will show you how.
December 5, 2010

CorePsych Blog – Brief Kindle Updates

News from the front for those of you Kindle lovers - you will notice that CorePsych Blog is now with Kindle
August 31, 2010

Urinary Neurotransmitters Measured

Just in case you aren't sure, and want a clear, definitive set of references on all this complexity - I'm loading up this new paper just for you. Do read it - 3 pages of refs
August 29, 2010

Intuniv Answers: ADHD Neurotransmitters – Glutamate Matters

Thanks to Intuniv we have a new neurotransmitter to consider - and it must be considered in the context, as with any other ADHD med, of the Therapeutic Window.