Psychiatric Medications

December 21, 2007

Immunity and Chronic Fatigue: Immunosciences on the Radar for ’08

Chronic fatigue: is it a real medical process, or just malingering? Further, does CF encourage a dementia process with brain fog and slowed processing speeds. New answers bring new hope.
July 20, 2007

Brain and Bowel: The Gluten Mystery

The Bowel and the Brain are connected: Gluten Sensitivity is one of the main culprits.Bowel And gluten sensitivity is often the underlying cause of silent celiac an important GI problem receiving more attention in the literature.
June 14, 2007

Medicine Trial and Error: Missouri Turkey Shoot

By now you know that I am a medical target shooter, and don't agree with loading up any shell and simply blasting away at the unknown with my metaphoric arsenal. But blasting away is a big problem with meds, simply because of the rapid evolution of the *science of targets.*
May 19, 2007

Non Med Options for Brain Treatment: Neurofeedback 1

From ADHD to brain injury, to anxiety and tic disorder, to seizures and bipolar: Neurofeedback provides additional treatment alternatives.