
January 1, 2013

ADHD Insights: Stimulants Don’t Work

Let's all make a New Year's Resolution to honor the reality of neuroscience - of those new brain maps - for all of psychiatric treatment. Without maps too many folks careen off the tracks that should set up a safe arrival.
February 27, 2012

Psych Meds or No Psych Meds

Mind science is full of polemic possibilities, and it's our collective team mission, if you read CorePsych News, or Core Psych Blog, or work with us at CoreBrain Training, to spread the word on the confusions present in some of the current mind-care delivery debate.
April 25, 2011

Psychiatric Drugs: New Science, Better Outcomes

We used to think the only way to address complicated mental health conditions was to just keep trying different medication based on superficial diagnostic speculations. The world, my friends, is changing dramatically - just a bit to fast for some.
October 4, 2010

CorePsych DC: Parker Reopens Near Tyson’s

And the patients that came in those Amen DC doors were already thinking deeply into the next box. Many of them had "already tried everything else - several times." That experience confirmed my expectations: the science works. Looking is always better than guessing, - and soon will become the standard of care.