November 30, 2014

Brain Measures – The New Psychiatric Standard

The current labeling system is logical, reasonable and often useful for short periods, however it, more frequently than not, disregards the peer-reviewed perceptions of modern brain science associated with informed self management over time.
September 2, 2012

ADHD: SPECT Brain Imaging Evidence

If you wonder about ADHD, if you know someone, and likely you do, that thinks ADHD is a "belief system" encouraged by big pharma, listen up.
April 18, 2011

ADHD Misdiagnosed: Beyond Behaviors

For ADHD diagnosis: You can be sophisticated and smart, but if you don't know how to get where you want to go, you simply can't get there - no matter how smart you are.
January 31, 2011

ADHD Diagnosis: Beyond Brain Diagnosis

From "bad mothers," to "insufficient corporal punishment" the limited psychological implications of both ADHD diagnosis and treatment often prove woefully insufficient to provide consistent treatment results.