
December 4, 2008

ADD, ADHD Medications: Immediate Release Stimulants – Cheap and Low Compliance

So, why do some continue to fool around with IR [Immediate Release] meds? - Money talks, their money. See the 7 Tips on how to understand better IR Stimulant titration strategies for ADD ADHD medications, soon at
November 27, 2008

Grumpy Outed: ADD and Depression For A Lifetime

Holiday Case Report - Grumpy was one of the Seven Dwarfs in the classic Disney film Snow White. Grumpy is often a subset of cognitive depression overlooked as related to ADHD.
November 5, 2008

ADD, ADHD Medication: Find The Sides of the Therapeutic Window.

7 Essential Tips to Find Those Effective Sides of the Therapeutic Window When Treating ADD/ADHD: The 'Sides of the Window' are Puzzling and Require a Few More Office Questions. The reason to ask the questions is simple: we want to know exactly how the medication is working in the context of time of day, duration of effectiveness,
September 2, 2008

Adult ADD: Is It You Or Me? More than Medications

Adult ADD/ADHD: Do You Believe? This Book is About Interpersonal Answers - Back in 1985 the Journal of the American Psychiatric Association published an article about a topic quite familiar with those of us practicing in the field... Adults can also suffer from ADD/ADHD problems lasting from childhood. Old news, not yet appreciated.