
December 19, 2011

ADHD And Cognitive Anxiety – Now 3 Types

ADHD Anxiety Is More Than Just A Feeling - Cognitive abundance and ADHD: To fully understand ADHD symptoms you/we must understand unmanageable cognitive abundance,
May 11, 2011

ADHD Medication Dosage: Precision Counts

Many thousands of individuals are treated everyday for ADHD disorders using stimulant meds that don't last 24 hr, but only last for a portion of the day. So why aren't we paying attention to those important details-
May 10, 2011

Clay Shirky: Think Medical Collaboration

Clay's point: through collaboration we are changing the process of information exchange, and improving, even on the medical side, the care of thousands of individuals not previously able to see applications in their own lives.
May 31, 2009

ADHD and Anxiety: ADHD Looks Like OCD

As you will see in this video, 'anxiety' can take on many different faces - and cognitive anxiety, you heard it first here, is simply not in the books yet - strange, but true. If we don't look for it we just can't see it - and so much of ADHD symptoms are associated with anxiety.