Beyond ADHD

June 25, 2008

ADD/ADHD Medications: Just The Top of the Window

The Therapeutic Window: Use it Everyday for Every ADD/ADHD Medication Adjustment. Very briefly: I am excited! My first article is up and running over at EzineArticles and today, in a rush, just don't have time to discuss the details except to tell you, patient or practitioner, that it will help understand ADD medication dosage systems.
June 22, 2008

ADD/ADHD Parker Updates

Just a quick update on the Blog Silence over here with Parker - been working on ADD/ADHD projects: I've been working, but not as hard as I did for the 3 summers I shoveled concrete on the roads in Missouri. Yes, those days were interesting in that I worked hard and got a big promotion after two years, from the shovel to the chute. - Big responsibility move!
June 17, 2008

ADD/ADHD Medications: Problems Remain with School Breakfasts

ADD/ADHD Medications Work - School Breakfast Timing Requires Careful Attention I was up in New Haven recently and had several conversations with pediatricians and child psychiatrists about school breakfasts, - provided at school for many of the metro children as a service to ensure they had proper AM nutrition. It's sponsored by state and federal and state governments, and is helpful for many.
June 12, 2008

Beliefs and ADD: When will people take a look at the science?

ADD/ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment: Taking the Science in Bite Size Pieces:Announcing a forthcoming teleseminar series - Resolving the 10 Biggest Problems with ADD Medications - and a brief thanks that makes the point regarding the need for more public and professional education.