Beyond ADHD

August 8, 2007

PCOS: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Deep Psych

At first PCOS looks like *just a hormone dysregulation,* but on careful review turns out to connect with multiple nutritional and metabolic issues, from thyroid, to adrenal, to carbohydrate addiction, to insulin resistance, and to many psych presentations
August 8, 2007

ADD/ADHD: Make it a Secret

If you discover that you have ADD/ADHD, and seek treatment, do keep it a secret. Small town or metro DC it's all the same, most people you know or work with, just don't get it.
July 24, 2007

Gluten Sensitivity & Brain Problems: More References

ust had a very interesting missive from a reader following up on my SPECT reference in the last post on celiac, gluten sensitivity and schizophrenia. He suggested two helpful sites for further information and conversation on these matters.
July 8, 2007

The Williams Syndrome: The Unusually Gregarious Brain

The Willams Syndrome: A rare disorder of diminished social fear and little social savvy. Rare condition, helpful video, with genetic and, get this, bowel implications.