Beyond ADHD

June 23, 2007

Celiac Disease: Bowel and Brain Symptoms

Celiac Disease is more than simple bowel disorder: Leaky gut is a bowel disorder downstream from an associated array of multiple problems associated with gluten sensitivity. Many of those clinical presentations look like psych issues.
June 16, 2007

Non Med Options for ADD Treatment: Learning Breakthrough

Said more simply: cerebellar therapeutic activities for ADD such as Learning Breakthrough may create a significant effect on the rest of the brain.
June 14, 2007

ADD: Overdosing the Big Guys

What's the biggest problem with psych meds for big guys? Easy answer: Overdose. Adjusting meds by body weight was fine in the 50's and even late […]
June 10, 2007

ADHD/ADD: The Cerebellum Deserves Attention

Well, we can also look at cerebellar function and see brain difficulties with SPECT imaging. The interesting take-home point: yes, brain areas that are not functioning well can be recognized