ADHD Insights

June 16, 2007

Non Med Options for ADD Treatment: Learning Breakthrough

Said more simply: cerebellar therapeutic activities for ADD such as Learning Breakthrough may create a significant effect on the rest of the brain.
June 14, 2007

ADD: Overdosing the Big Guys

What's the biggest problem with psych meds for big guys? Easy answer: Overdose. Adjusting meds by body weight was fine in the 50's and even late […]
June 10, 2007

ADHD/ADD: The Cerebellum Deserves Attention

Well, we can also look at cerebellar function and see brain difficulties with SPECT imaging. The interesting take-home point: yes, brain areas that are not functioning well can be recognized
June 9, 2007

Daytrana Tips: The ADD Patch System Works

Daytrana, the “Dermatologist,” and Everyday ADD practice: Advanced skin insights from the front, -or how Bag Balm can make summer fun.           Bag Balm […]